Friday, 24 October 2008

More Uploads at CS2S

Here are the latest downloads uploaded to Charmed - Sims 2 Style

Paige Matthews Career

Stairwell Wall Cover

Halliwell Manor Conservatory Windows

Kitchen Island

There's also some new clothes and a new set of conservatory furniture. 

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

October Charmed Finds from SimalongaMeemo

I have a Yahoo Group also called SimalongaMeemo where I post some of my non charmed related downloads and links to Charmed content that we can't host at CS2S because we don't have permission (either haven't asked yet or been refused).

These are some of the links I have uploaded recently...

There was a gas hob for the kitchen but turns out it's only for worktops, it floats over a table. Will try and see if we can do something about this.

A new Alyssa Milano with 7 tattoos by X-tin at InSim.

Friday, 17 October 2008


I've decided to teach myself how to mesh, I spotted this free software in one of those money savings emails you can subscribe to and I've decided it's about time I learned. The software is called trueSpace (small t large S!) and it's free from No idea if it's any good but there are lots of tutorials so I'm going to have a play.