Wednesday, 27 August 2008

More EPs!!

I think I mentioned this before but Apartment Life is going to be a must for all Charmed Sims fans. I got a £30 Amazon voucher off one of those earn for click sites so I've bought Free Time and AL. Now I am only short of the IKEA pack.

I keep bidding on Ebay up to £5.... will win one eventually!!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Latest Creation!

Jeff has been working on a version of Paige's apartment, I helped him out with a door recolour (oooh LOL!) and held him up quite a bit while I got it right. This is now in the queue at CS2S

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Parlour Rug

Forgot I'd done this one this week, our lovely obsessed friend with the Manor Prints also had a very good image of the parlour rug...

South Bay Social Services

One of the members has very nearly finished a sims version of the South Bay Social Services offices that Paige worked at. She's done a stirling job - it looks fantastic so far. Just making a few final additions and she should have it ready.

I've just done a couple of wallpapers for her and a column recolour to finish it off!! I can't wait for this one!!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

David Carter Brown

One of my missions for charmed/Sims is to redo some of the paintings that Aimoss did with better graphics but after wading through pages and pages of Google results for "American Folk Art" I came up with a big nothing. I decided to get high resolution images that were similar to the originals and do those instead. It's a project I started ages ago and then left (I have a habit of doing that!).
So anyway I was really really pleased when we got a new member at CS2S who actually owned some prints like the ones in the manor and provided us some more information so I actually do these properly now. A lot of the folk art in the manor is by David Carter Brown, if you Google him you'll find the cat prints and the balloon prints from the manor but not much else. He also did the moon/star ones and the cockerels.
So a big thank you to azriel! and watch this space for new paintings for your sims!!
Oh and I finished the Oval Pics they'll be available to download at CS2S shortly. I redid the baby one with a sepia tone over the top.

Every Soddin' Time!!

So when I said I was two stuff packs short that was because I'd already bought Teen Style stuff but hadn't installed it.

So now I've installed it and my lots won't load. This happens EVERY TIME I buy an EP or stuff pack. I have to move all my custom content out and put it back bit by bit, eventually it all works again after months of messing about; unloadable lots, blue flashing items.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Roll on Sims 3!!!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Current Project

This was a request from the CS2S forum. So I'm making the two oval pictures from the stairwell.

When someone requests something on the forum it's a real joint effort. One member suggests a mesh, another finds an image, then I usually volunteer to do the recolour. I like doing them. We actually fight over doing them!!

Anyway one member found a photo of the actual painting on the left (a lot of the props were sold off at the end of Season 8) and I found an auction for an old victorian baby pic which is very similar to the one on the right.

Here's my effort so far, not sure whether to call it quits or tweak the baby one a bit more.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

New EP

I can't wait for Apartment life to come out... Magic Finally!!! I've heard you can freeze time just like Piper too, the video makers will be pleased with that. It's out in the UK on the 29th august and I have a decision to make... I am still missing 2 stuff packs and Free Time. I'm usually pretty strict about buying and installing them in order so do I wait until I've bought IKEA, K&B and FT or do I skip them and go straight for apartment life... I think I'm going to end up waiting. BUT I CAN'T!!!

dilemma dilemma.

An Introduction...

I play the Sims, yes I know it's aimed at kids and as the mother of two grown ups I should really know better but there's something about the game I love.

I don't know when I came across the custom content side of the game but it's a fair few years ago while playing the first incarnation of the Sims, it was a cow print sofa from Mall of the Sims, I thought it was the bees knees! To be able to change something in a computer game was nothing I'd seen before and I've been playing games since the days of the first Leisure Suit Larry and Prince of Persia games on an 8086 XT computer. As far as I can remember custom content back then was mostly recolours, and rabbits, I remember lots and lots of pooing rabbits.

So along comes the Sims 2 and after playing it for a while I remembered the custom content and a whole new world was opened!! To start with I frequented the EA website, the Exchange and it was there I came across a version of the Halliwell Manor from Charmed and an obsession started.

I don't know what it is about the combination of Charmed and the Sims, I think it's the house. Halliwell Manor is just the most beautiful building. We don't have clapboard houses like this in the UK.

And then after searching sites like TSR and MTS2 I found a kindred Spirit! the lovely Aimoss from MTS2 who made a whole range of Charmed items, a book of shadows, a spirit board, the dining room chairs, lots of pictures, a P3 neon sign and awning. Unfortunately she's no longer active in the community but there's lots of people taking up the challenge (me included!).

Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about

Sims Version

TV Version

So there are loads of nutcases like me out there 1000s and 1000s of us!! Not just for Charmed either, I've seen Stargate, Scrubs, Star Wars, Star Trek, Greys Anatomy, Buffy and Sabrina Sims just to mention a few, but it's the Charmed nut cases I wanted to "reach out to" so we'd have a little home of our own where we could stand up and say "Hi I'm Meemo and I'm a Charmed-Sims-aholic" without fear of ridicule or judgement! There are a few that have tried and failed, the Charmed Theme at MTS2 got shut down because of idiots that take and just don't give. There's the German effort that started off with good intentions but soon ran out of steam. Two years ago I started up a Yahoo group called SimalongaMeemo (you old English folk like me might remember Singalonga Max on the TV in the 70s!). The idea behind it being to collect all the Charmed content in one place. Some creators are funny about their creations and don't like it being posted on other sites so I figure if all I'm posting is links then no one can complain!!

So there I am trawling the internet for new Charmed content and I come across someone with a similar idea. At first it was just a forum but a year down the line it's a full blown community with downloads, if you want to join the fun it's
Charmed Sims 2 Style.

It's attracted some great creators and we've even got brand new Charmed stuff that no one else has!

So this is my Sims blog, what I'm working on, what's new at the site, what's happening in my little world of Sims.