Saturday, 6 August 2011

Warcraft meets the Sims!

Well the folks at EA must really want me back, they made a game just for me!

Sims Medieval looks like a lot of fun, in fact today I very nearly bought it as it was reduced to 14.99 in Game. edit Aug14 - now it's under £6!


Unknown said...

It's obvious you no longer deal with the Sims but I still enjoy Sims 2 but the Sims 2 Charmed Style site crapped out years ago and before most objects were even uploaded for downloading. Is there anywhere these are available now? I just ask because I still like to play but bummed I never got a hold of those objects such as the attic couch or all the paintings I provided pictures of from the manor.

Meemo said...

Hi Deirdre, didn't realise it was you that provided the paintings! I think I still have some of them.